

Zen Masters and Zen at War

Contradictions Zen Buddhism Zen At War Brian Victoria
(I will be forever grateful to Zen for what it has given me over the years but I learned to sift the wheat it offered from its chaff. The following article is part of the latter.)


Unable to Tell Real from Unreal: Charles Bonnet Syndrome

Charles Bonnet Syndrome What is Reality The last moments happened in slow motion as the car collided in a sickening crunch. His head smashed into the windshield, fracturing the frontal bones above his eyes and the orbital plates protecting his optic nerves. He was comatose for two weeks until he woke up. When he did, he could not walk or talk. For Larry MacDonald that was just the beginning. When he opened his eyes he could not "distinguish what was real from what was fake." He looked at the doctors and nurses standing by his bed. Behind and next them stood football players while Hawaiian girls danced the hula, hips swaying gently.